Monday, October 1, 2012

Graf # 15 Meta-graf

This is the story of what I was doing when I was working on my cause essay:

"Hello? Hey hun, yeah I know it's loud, we are at The Maine Jump so there's lots of kids- anyway I'm just calling to let you know that we are leaving to head to EMMC, so can you get out of work and meet us there? Oh you know, Madison fell off one of the slides and she's bleeding everywhere, I think she needs a few stitches. Ok see you in a few. " Fast forward about 20 minutes and I find myself in the ER feeling super embarrassed as I explain to the third nurse how I don't know exactly what happened to my daughters chin because I was busy working on my English homework. I was actually starting to get upset at the looks I was getting from those nurses, I mean it's the ER for goodness sake! I'm sure they have heard much worse. All I was doing was trying to combine parenting, playtime and homework. Apparently that's not the best idea. As I mentioned in a previous entry of mine, I was pretty much anticipating doing this on-line English course anywhere and at anytime, with the help of my array of technological devices of course. To be honest I was looking forward to that. I imagined sitting in my car waiting in the car pool lane at my kids school; completing a short essay on my ipad. That dream isn't completely crushed, but the fact that my husband moved our desktop computer down stairs to be permanently placed on the dining room table was a good enough hint for even me.

1 comment:

  1. "I don't know exactly what happened to my daughters chin because I was busy working on my English homework."

    At last, a student with her priorities straight! Keep it up--little kids heal easily!
