Friday, September 14, 2012

Graf # 10 Person

What the heck happened to him over there in Iraq??!! This is not, I repeat this is not, the same guy I grew up with. If it weren't for the U.S. Army issued name tape so clearly showing me who he was I literally would not believe it. This man standing before me was not so long ago the first boy I ever loved. We met in high school and fell head over heels with each other. He was such a sweet , caring, kind individual. These were the characteristics I adored the most, and somehow they were also the first to disappear. I can't lie, I knew I was in for a shock when the letters slowly started to get shorter, more abrupt and plain old disheartening. I am not going to give up on him, I refuse too. One year away from his family and friends, stuck living in a war zone, nothing but violence impacting your everyday experience with life. If I was in his shoes I would no doubt be worse off.


  1. As a human document, this is sad.

    As a piece of writing, it sets up something it doesn't quite follow through on--without an example to nail the change, we get a sense of what might have happened without any real way to set an image or story in our minds. Never hurts to push material just one step more.

  2. I agree, after re-reading it I see what I missed. I had intended to follow your directions for the assignment better.

  3. I agree, after re-reading it I see what I missed. I had intended to follow your directions for the assignment better.
