Saturday, September 1, 2012

Graf # 6 Unique

I am unique in the lifestyle that I have chosen to live. I am Mormon. A member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. I do not drink coffee or tea. I do not do anything recreational on Sunday except go to church, for three hours. I do not curse, or use the Lord's name in vain. I do not drink alcohol or smoke. My faith does not define me however. My life that I live has a constant relationship with my faith but I am my own person. I like to bring my kids to cemeteries, just because I think they are beautiful. I have no desire to ever own a dog. I just don't have any extra time for one.  Unlike the majority of LDS members, I was not born into this religion. I choose it for myself, and for my children by my own free will. That is unique.

1 comment:

  1. "I like to bring my kids to cemeteries, just because I think they are beautiful. I have no desire to ever own a dog."

    Those two leap out at me as likely to be unusual if not completely unique (understand that I have six dogs and spend 99% of my discretionary time with dogs or talking about dogs....)

    Neat graf, no hanging strings, clear and forceful, and I have no advice or suggestions today.
